【衝撃に強いデザインケース】 iPhone 4S/4 Hybrid Tough Case Yeasayermore

機種名:iPhone 4S / iPhone 4 用ケース

Case-Mate iPhone4S / 4 用 ハイブリッド・タフ ケース
"I Make My Case" Yeasayermore [Yeasayer]

ブラックベリーやアイフォーン用のケースを多数手掛け、定評のある 北米メーカー Case-Mate 社 の製品です。


そんなとき、このハイブリッド・タフケース があれば大丈夫。


ハイブリッド・タフ ケース の シェル部分にオリジナル デザイン や アーティスト コラボ デザイン が施された 限定バージョン "I Make My Case"

Yeasayermore は、ブルックリンで活動するポップミュージックバンド YEASAYER コラボ デザイン バージョンです。

YEASAYER are accomplished audiologists who are willing to pilfer decades of pop sensibilities and cultural history to create something that is uniquely their own.

Yeasayer reside in Brooklyn and have 2 albums + various singles and videos all available for consumption. Yeasayer creates pop music in the way they see pop. Yeasayer is a slow digestive.

Yeasayer's albums are:

1. "All Hour Cymbals" (2007): Yeasayer's critically acclaimed debut was created in artistic isolation before anyone knew of their existence. "All Hour Cymbals" mashed the best parts of any and every genre and feels extremely fresh and innovative.

2. "ODD BLOOD" (2010): After years on the road Yeasayer finally came to break and headed to a small green house in upstate NY to record their next album. With more time to record the band sharpened their recording skills and produced an experimental pop album in a world similar to Bowie-Heads-Eno. Unafraid upbeat and unabashedly pop Yeasayer created an album most bands of their stature are to timid to approach.

Though a slight chasm in sound between "All Hour Cymbals" and "ODD BLOOD" there is no doubt both albums belong to Yeasayer. It makes you realize the band is unpredictable which is something you should demand of any of the bands you spin.

※ 商品に iPhone4S / 4 本体は含まれません。
iPhone 4S / iPhone 4 用ケース
型番 CM0G0004
定価 3,645円(税込)